This study aims to analyze the financial performance from Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan Bogor by RADAR-method. The idea is derived from study of Hermanto (1993; Istiyanto & Lianto (1996) & Dermawan (1999) which stated that companies should use RADAR-method beside conventional ratio method to analyze their financial performance. By exploring five aspects i.e.: productivity; sustainability; stability; asset utilitization and profitability; the companies can indicate their financial performance not only from the tabulation method but also from visualization through graphic. This is the uniqueness from RADAR method based on finding from Asian Productivity Organization (APO) in Japan (late 1980's). Two important findings of this study are as follow: 1) During 2001 -2004 from graphic RADAR; RADAR1 & RADAR 2 it seems that Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan Bogor has good productivity & asset ultilitization. It implies that this institution has conducted its role as a conservatory organization by good performance. 2) While; from sustainability; stability & profitability aspects of Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan Bogor must increase them. Hence, it implicates that even this organization is not a profit-oriented organization; Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan Bogor must keep effective & efficient in sustainability; stability & profitability aspects.