Cultural of organization represent component able to cause why a strategy earn implementation success at one particular company. Successful Organizational is adaptation organization able to be cultural to environment, place where the organization operated.
Social responsibility is obligation of company to formulate to policy, taking decision and execute an action giving benefit to society. In attainment of organizational target among others is organizational strategy, organization chart and organizational system, power in organizational culture and organization. Therefore arising out main problem, what is there relation which significant between organizational culture with social responsibility of company?
Theory the lifted is theory - theory of organizational culture and theory - social responsibility theory is and also continued with research method. This research cope to lay open relation between organizational culture with social responsibility of company in industrial area by using method of descriptive analyze and take population as sample or non sampling probability.
Instrument the used is statement according to scale of Lingkert with score 5,4,3,2 and 1. By conducting spreading 65 questioners from 215 employees during period April 2004 in industrial area of Cikarang, Bekasi.