ABSTRAKHealth for all atau sehat untuk semua di tahun 2000 tinggal 5 tahun lagi dari sekarang. Agar secepatnya mencapai sasaran derajat kesehatan dasar untuk semua terutama balita, upaya-upaya kesehatan melalui sanitasi dasar unsur-unsur lingkungan fisik perumahan perlu diperluas dan di tingkatkan cakupannya dengan melibatkan dan membangkitkan motivasi serta peran serta masyarakat secara luas dan mandiri di lingkungan perumahan/pemukiman masing-masing.
Masalahnya adalah unsur-unsur lingkungan fisik perumahan amat luas, untuk memilih unsur lingkungan fisik rumah mana diprioritaskan, diperlukan tersedianya informasi yang tepat dan akurat berdasar hasil penelitian.
Penelitian ini mencoba ingin menyediakan informasi tersebut dengan meneliti 2811 rumah tangga dan 2811 balita sebagai salah satu penghuninya di Jawa Timur 1992 (data Susenas/SKRT 1992). Variabel independen adalah 12 macam unsur lingkungan fisik perumahan seperti jamban, sumber air bersih rumah tangga, pembuangan sampah dan sebagainya. Variabel dependen adalah insiden diare dan ISPA balita yang secara teoritis etiologi kedua Janis insiden tersebut dapat dihubungkan dengan sanitasi dasar unsur-unsur lingkungan fisik perumahan. Data penelitian adalah data sekunder diperoleh clan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Departemen Kesehatan diolah dengan komputer program SPSSPC. Hasilnya ialah insiden diare balita ada hubungan bermakna (P<0,05) dengan unsur lingkungan fisik rumah unsaniter sumber air bersih dan sampah.
Insiden ISPA balita ada hubungan bermakna (P<4,45) dengan unsur lingkungan fsik rumah unsaniter ketersediaan ventilasi kamar tidur, bahan bakar memasak berasap, ada tidaknya ruang tidur untuk balita dan keberadaan kandang ternak di dalam/kolong rumah.
Pihak-pihak terkait Pemerintah, swasta dan masyarakat umum agar memusatkan perhatian pada unsur-unsur lingkungan fisik rumah hasil penelitian ini dalam mewujudkan upaya-upaya sanitasi dasar lingkungan fisik perumahan sehingga fungsi rumah dapat memproteksi balita dari insiden diare dan ISPA Balita adalah kelompok anggota keluarga yang masih rentan akan tetapi waktunya dihabiskan di lingkungan rumah. Balita berhak lingkungan fisik perumahan saniter untuk kelangsungan hidupnya. Kualitas sumber daya manusia di masa depan adalah status kesehatan balita masa kini.
ABSTRACTHealth for all by the year 2000 is five more years from now. To Successfully achieve the certain degree of primary health care mainly for the age under five years children, efforts have been made through basic sanitation program toward physical environment of housing elements. Te efforts are to cover the broader scope of components, together with encouraging or motivating the people's participation in the physical environment care in their housing individually and widespread.The problem is the elements of physical environment of housing are too many, which physical environment housing elements should get priorities program intervention. To determine is matter of intellectual skills which make good use some research information. This research want to give some information. of the correlation between physical environment of housing elements and diarrhea so catarrh incidence at the under five year age children. Total subjects are 2811 households and 2811 the under five years age children in the household from East Java in 1992.The data collected were secondary ones which were taken from the 1992 National Economic Survey and the Households Health Survey. There are twelve independence variables of physical environment of housing elements for example water closed, clean water source household, garbage production and so on, justifies two group is sanitary and unsanitary. The dependent variable is diarrhea and catarrh incidence at the age under five years children. Theoritically both the diarrhea and catarrh incidence can correlate by the basic sanitaion from physical environment of housing elements. Data analysis are carry out with Odds Ratio (OR) and Chi Square test to see the correlation between physical environment of housing elements with diarrhea or catarrh incidence at the under five years age children. The availabel data are computerized by the SPSS-PC program.The result is the correlation between diarrhea incidence at the under five years ages children and physical environment of housing elements the source clean water so garbage production is significant (P Many governmental institutions or departments, private and public sectors should care the physical environment of housing elements seeing that the result of this research show evidence to sanitation.
It is an undeniabel fact that the under five ages are weaker members of the families but spend most of their time at home. That is why we should keep sanitary for the under five years ages children. The under five years ages children have human right sanitary housing for continuity their life. The next future quality of human sources is determined by the healthy the under five year children now.