IPSRS Medik merupakan unit fungsional dari RSUD Koja yang melaksanakan kegiatan pemeliharaan alat medik agar peralatan kesehatan selalu berada dalam kondisi lain pakai sehingga dapat difungsikan dengan baik dan menjamin usia pakai lebih lama.
Dari data yang ada di IPSRS Koja selama ini pemeliharaan alat-alat medis dilakukan dengan menerapkan sebagian pemeliharaan alas dasar gangguan / kerusakan sehingga pernah terjadi kerusakan di unit radiologi pada alat CT' Scan pada tahun 2002, yaitu kerusakan pada Laser Printer CT-Scan dengan biaya sebesar Rp. 70.961.484,-yang menimbulkan gangguan pelayanan. Seperti diketahui bahwa pemeliharaan atas dasar kerusakan merupakan cara yang paling tidak ekonomis dibandingkan dengan cara pemeliharaan prefentif.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran operasional pelaksanaan IPSRS medik di RSUD Koja tahun 2003. Penelitian ini bersifat studi kasus dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Metoda yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara mendalam, observasi dan telaah dokumen. Informan penelitian terdiri dari wakil direktur, pimpinan IPSRS medik, pelaksana lapangan dan pelaksana lainnya yang terkait.
Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapatnya sistem pemeliharaan alat - alat medik di RSUD Koja.
IPSRS medic is a functional unit in RSUD Koja which executing maintenance activity of medical instrument in order to make all of medical instrument remain in good condition and durable.The medical equipment maintenance at RSUD Koja is based on the breakdown of the equipment, which is the most uneconomical way compared to the preventive maintenance of the equipment. One example is the breakdown of the CT Scan laser printer at 2002 resulted in the obstruction of the health care that cost the hospital Rp.70.961.484.The research is aimed to acquire a figure of the medical IPSRS operational implementation at RSUD Koja in the year 2003. The research is a case study using the qualitative approach. The method used in the research is descriptive analysis. Data collection was made using in-depth interviews_ observations_ and documents study. The information for the research was collected from the Vice Director, the medical IPSRS person in charge, field executors, and other interconnect executors.The research result shows that there is no clear organizational structure, job description, and authorization at the medical IPSRS of the hospital. Other than that, the research also found the lack of quality and quantity and the non-existence of standard operating procedure for the operators in executing the optimal maintenance of the medical equipment, and no documentation for the monitoring, evaluating, and reporting purposes.The proposal for achieving the optimal medical equipment implementation at the RSUD Koja is by establishing the organizational structure, task acid authorization. and to have an appropriate recording and reporting administration of even. maintenance activity for evaluation purposes. For RSUD Koja , the appropriate maintenance system for the hi-tech medical equipment would be a Joint Operation using revenue sharing method with a third party.