A cross sectional study was conducted at the Department of Medicine, Khan Kaen Regional Hospital, Thailand to investigate the relationship between protein energy and anorexia status in 100 adult hospitalized patients (50 males and 50 females), aged 20-50 years, who stayed 4-7 days in hospital. Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) was diagnosed using Body Mass Index (BMI) < 18.5 kg/m2 as a cut-off point and anorexia was based on the weight of leftover food; in this study leftover food containing > 213 (> 66.7%) of the energy served reflected anorexia. On admission, 30% of males were suffering from PEM and it increased to 34% on discharge while among females it was 28% both on admission and discharge. In men, 16% were suffering from anorexia on admission, which decreased to 10% on discharge while 6% of females were suffering from anorexia on admission and increased to 10% on discharge. The anorexia subjects had lower BMI and had a longer length of stay than the non-anorexic subjects (p < 0,05 in males).
In conclusion, PEM of hospitalized patients occurred before admission and during hospitalization. There was a negative association between nutritional status and length of stay in hospital. PEM was found to be more prevalent in males than females and the leftover foods of males was also more than the females. The prevalence of PEM is related to leftover foods; it can be used as an estimate of anorexic status and represents an objective indicator for anorexia.