Di negara-negara berkembang, termasuk Indonesia, angka kematian dan kesakitan karena ISPA cukup tinggi. Sementara itu penggunaan pelayanan kesehatan oleh ibu-ibu yang balitanya menderita ISPA masih sangat kurang, padahal mereka ini perlu dibawa ke pelayanan kesehatan. Di sisi lain masih banyak ibu yang balitanya menderita ISPA memberikan obat warung dan membawa ke dukun untuk menanggulangi penyakit tersebut.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh informasi atau mempelajari tentang penggunaan pelayanan kesehatan pada ibu balita penderita ISPA. Di samping itu juga ingin diketahui hubungan pendidikan ibu, pekerjaan ibu, pengetahuan ibu, sikap ibu, anjuran , biaya berobat, jarak pelayanan, sikap petugas dengan penggunaan pelayanan kesehatan.
Populasi adalah ibu balita penderita ISPA di Kotamadya Sabang, jumlah sampel adalah 210 ibu balita ISPA. Analisis statistik yang dilakukan adalah uji chi square. Disain yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini adalah cross sectional dan kualitatif dengan Fokus Grup Diskusi (FGD). Untuk keperluan analisis, responden dibagi atas kelompok ibu yang menggunakan pelayanan kesehatan dan yang tidak menggunakan pelayanan kesehatan.
Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada variabel babas yaitu pendidikan ibu, pengetahuan ibu, sikap ibu, biaya berobat dan jarak pelayanan mempunyai hubungan dengan penggunaan pelayanan kesehatan. Sedangkan pekerjaan ibu, anjuran dan sikap petugas tidak ada hubungan dengan penggunaan pelayanan kesehatan.
Untuk meningkatkan penggunaan pelayanan kesehatan ini perlu dilakukan penyuluhan terhadap ibu-ibu balita dan keluarga, keterampilan kader dan dukun dalam mendeteksi dini penyakit ISPA serta pendayagunaan bidan didesa dan melengkapi mereka dengan sarana yang cukup, termasuk paket obat yang memadai. Selain itu perlu peningkatan pelaksanaan program ISPA ke masyarakat.
The Factors Are Related With The Using Of Health Service On The Children Under Five Who Suffered From Acute Respiratory Infection In The Town Of Sabang, 1999. The mortality and morbidity rates caused by the Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) in developing countries, including Indonesia is high enough. The children under five who suffered from ARI needed the medical treatment but their mothers seldom took them to the health service.The mothers gave them the non-prescribed medicines from the shop as well as took them to the traditional inhalers, instead of, to the diseases. The objectives of the research are to get information on the utilization of health service by the ARI suffered children under five's mothers. In addition, the research would also like to the relation of mother's education, job, knowledge, attitude, medical cost, distance from the service location, health offices attitude to the utilization of health service. Population of the research where the mothers who had children under five with ARI in the Town of Sabang. Two hundred and ten of them became sample for the research chi square test used for the statistical analysis. The cross sectional design was used for this quantitative research as well as qualitative by using Focus Group Discussion. For the analysis purpose the respondents divided into the mothers used health service for the case and the non-used health service as the control. The result of the research indicated that the independent variables mother's education, knowledge, attitude, medical cost and distance from the location have relation with the using of health service. While job, curative suggestion and head officer attitude haven't relation with the using of health service. The activities such as training, education for the mothers and families with children under five should be conducted as well as skill training for health cadres and traditional birth attendance in early detection of ARI. In addition the village midwives must be equipped with adequate facilities including medical packet to gear up their activities in the village and improve the implementation of Alta program in the community.