Tarif interkoneksi antar operator di era kompetisi, merupakan masalah yang cukup komplek. Pemerintah sebagai regulator berkepentingan untuk membuat formulasi tarif interkoneksi yang adil, dimana perhitungannya harus berbasis biaya dan sebanding dengan resources yang digunakan. Tarif interkoneksi yang mencerminkan cost-based charge diperoleh melalui studi biaya bottom-up dengan kerangka teori-nya forward looking-incremental cost. Studi biaya tersebut menghasilkan beban biaya layanan tiap operator. Formulasi tarif interkoneksi diidentifikasian melalui berbagai faktor, dimana faktor-faktor tersebut dapat mempengaruhi besaran tarif interkoneksi. Faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi besaran tarif interkoneksi diperoleh melalui suatu analisa. Faktor-faktor tersebut antara lain: beban biaya layanan tiap operator (Bon ), lama waktu existing tiap operator (AEon ), dan tarif terhadap diferensiasi jarak tiap operator (ATJn ).
The interconnection charge among operators in era competition has a lot of complex problems. The government as a regulator has an obligation to make a rule of interconnection charge. The interconnection charge must be the cost-based and the proportional by resources each operator. The interconnections charge on cost-based is identified from the cost study's the bottom-up approach by the theoretical framework's the forward looking incremental costs. The costs-study approach produced the services cost each operator. The formulation of interconnection charge is identified by some factors, which these factors affected a number of interconnection charge. The factors affected a number of interconnection charge, is identified by the analysis. These factors are the services costs each operator (ATJn), the time-scope of existing each operator (ATJn) and the charge of differentiation distance each operator (AEon).