"Want to start investing your money wisely but not sure how? Get to grips with the UK investment and financial markets with this practical and easy guide that tells you everything you need to know about the stock market. In today's economy it is clear to see how everyday politics and global events can have a lasting impact on your pension, savings and investments which can make you feel powerless to safeguard your future. Now more than ever, it is vital to understand how the markets work and what you can do to maintain financial security. This book gives concise and practical information that helps you understand how the stock markets work, breaking down what may seem like complex jargon to simple explanations. Fully updated for this seventh edition, How the Stock Markets Works aims to provide you with the tools needed to understand investing in the light of major events such as the UK's exit from the EU. Chapters cover the basics such as explanations of shares, bonds and gilts and range to where to find help and advice when needed. With guidance on how to be a responsible shareholder and information on the taxation regime, this established guide will help you take control of your finances"--