RSUD Weda mengalami masalah rendahnya pemanfaatan tempat tidur atau Bed Occupancy Ratio (BOR) yang berdampak rendahnya cost recovery rate sebesar 48,2%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor - faktor yang memengaruhi rendahnya BOR di RSUD Weda. Penelitian non eksperimental dengan data kualitatif. Penelitian dilakukan di RSUD Weda, Kabupaten Halmahera Tengah. Waktu pelaksanaan pengumpulan data yaitu pada bulan Juni 2022. Data dikumpulkan secara wawancara mendalam, telaah dokumen, serta observasi. Faktor yang berperan terhadap rendahnya tingkat hunian di RSUD Weda yaitu faktor mutu pelayanan meliputi masalah diskontinuitas dokter spesialis, ketersediaan obat yang tidak sesuai kebutuhan, dan kebersihan rumah sakit yang kurang; faktor eksternal meliputi faktor kendala geografis, moda transportasi, dan jarak menuju RSUD Weda yang mempengaruhi tingginya biaya operasional, faktor karakteristik masyarakat meliputi rendahnya tingkat pendidikan dan pekerjaan. Masih banyak ditemukan masyarakat di Kabupaten Halmahera Tengah yang memiliki tingkat pendidikan terakhir dibawah SMA, dan hal ini menunjukkan kualitas pengetahuan, dan pemahaman terhadap pentingnya kesehatan juga rendah. Pekerjaan berkaitan dengan pendapatan. Pendapatan berhubungan dengan cara pembayaran biaya operasional rujukan, dan cara membiayai hidup mereka di tempat rujukan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa faktor rendahnya mutu pelayanan rumah sakit, karakteristik masyarakat, dan faktor eksternal dapat memengaruhi rendahnya tingkat hunian di RSUD Weda.
RSUD Weda is experiencing the problem of low bed utilization or Bed Occupancy Ratio (BOR) which has an impact on the low cost recovery rate of 48.2%. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the low BOR in RSUD Weda. Non-experimental research with qualitative data. The research was conducted at Weda Hospital, Central Halmahera Regency. The implementation time of data collection is in June 2022. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, document review, and observation. Factors that contribute to the low occupancy ratio in Weda Hospital are service quality factors including discontinuity of specialist doctors, availability of drugs that are not as needed, and poor hospital hygiene; external factors include geographical constraints, modes of transportation, and distance to RSUD Weda which affect the high operational costs, community characteristics include low levels of education and employment. There are still many people in Central Halmahera Regency who have the latest education level below high school, and this shows that the quality of knowledge and understanding of the importance of health is also low. Work is related to income. Income relates to how the referral's operational costs are paid, and how to make a living at the referral site. It can be concluded that the factors of low quality of hospital services, community characteristics, and external factors can affect the low occupancy ratio in RSUD Weda.