Latar Belakang: Transmisi SARS-CoV-2 melalui droplet dan aerosol menyebabkan praktik kedokteran gigi memiliki risiko penularan infeksi yang tinggi sehingga menimbulkan perasaan takut bagi masyarakat untuk melakukan kunjungan untuk perawatan ke klinik gigi. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan perceived susceptibility, sikap dan kepercayaan, hal-hal yang perlu diinformasikan agar pasien merasa nyaman untuk kembali ke klinik gigi, serta karakteristik sosiodemografi terhadap perilaku kunjungan ke klinik gigi di masa pandemi COVID-19. Metode: Studi cross-sectional menggunakan kuesioner online pada 420 masyarakat dewasa di DKI Jakarta yang pernah berkunjung ke klinik gigi. Hasil: Hasil uji korelasi Spearman menunjukkan bahwa perceived susceptibility, sikap dan kepercayaan, hal-hal yang perlu diinformasikan agar pasien merasa nyaman untuk kembali ke klinik gigi, dan status sosioekonomi masyarakat dewasa di DKI Jakarta memiliki korelasi yang bermakna secara statistik (p<0,05) terhadap perilaku kunjungan ke klinik gigi di masa pandemi COVID-19. Dari hasil analisis regresi logistik ditemukan prediktor tidak berkunjung ke klinik gigi di masa pandemi COVID-19 adalah perceived susceptibility, sikap dan kepercayaan, dan hal-hal yang perlu diinformasikan agar pasien merasa nyaman untuk kembali ke klinik gigi. Kesimpulan: Adanya pandemi COVID-19 menyebabkan mayoritas masyarakat dewasa di DKI Jakarta tidak berkunjung ke klinik gigi. Perceived susceptibility, sikap dan kepercayaan, hal-hal yang perlu diinformasikan agar pasien merasa nyaman untuk kembali ke klinik gigi, dan status sosioekonomi masyarakat dewasa di DKI Jakarta memiliki asosiasi dengan perilaku kunjungan ke klinik gigi di masa pandemi COVID-19.
Background: The transmission of SARS-CoV-2 through droplets and aerosols causes dental practices to have a high risk of transmitting infection, causing fear for the public to visit and get treatment at dental clinics. Objective: To know the association between perceived susceptibility, attitudes and beliefs, events that need to occur for patients to feel comfortable returning to the dental clinic, and sociodemographic characteristics with dental visit during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A cross-sectional study using online questionnaire of 420 adults in DKI Jakarta who had visited a dental clinic. Results: Spearman correlation test shown that perceived susceptibility, attitudes and beliefs, events that need to occur for patients to feel comfortable returning to the dental clinic, and socioeconomic status of adults in DKI Jakarta have statistically significant correlations (p<0,05) to the dental visit during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on logistic regression analysis, it is known that the predictors of delaying dental care due to the pandemic were perceived susceptibility, attitudes and beliefs, and events that need to occur for patients to feel comfortable returning to the dental clinic. Conclusion: Majority of adults in DKI Jakarta reported delaying dental care due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is known that the perceived susceptibility, attitudes and beliefs, events that need to occur for patients to feel comfortable returning to the dental clinic, and socioeconomic status of adults in DKI Jakarta have associations with dental visit during the COVID-19 pandemic.