Pandemi COVID-19 berdampak pada penjualan kendaraan otomotif. Banyak perusahaan otomotif yang mengalihkan fokus dari penjualan ke layanan purna jual, dan tren layanan purna jual mulai pulih dan memberikan kontribusi besar terhadap pendapatan. Seiring dengan pertumbuhan teknologi digital dan e-commerce, perusahaan otomotif harus beradaptasi dan mengembangkan strategi baru untuk bersaing dengan pesaing mereka dan memaksimalkan potensi mereka dalam layanan purna jual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang perbaikan proses bisnis dengan menggunakan Business Process Reengineering (BPR) untuk meningkatkan efisiensi waktu perjalanan layanan purna jual di salah satu perusahaan otomotif di Indonesia. Metode tersebut digunakan untuk merancang perbaikan perjalanan layanan menggunakan perangkat lunak iGrafx. Penyempurnaan dilakukan pada seluruh perjalanan layanan mobil, mulai dari penerimaan pelanggan hingga pengiriman layanan dan pembayaran. Pengumpulan data mengenai proses service mobil dilakukan di salah satu perusahaan otomotif di Indonesia. Metode tersebut terdiri dari tiga langkah yaitu mapping as-is process, analisis as-is process, dan modeling to-be process. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan skenario solusi proses to-be dengan pengurangan waktu paling tinggi.
The COVID-19 pandemic has harmed automotive vehicle sales. A lot of automotive companies have shifted their focus from sales to after-sales service, and the trend in after- sales service is starting to recover and has a big contribution to the revenue. Along with the growth of digital technology and e-commerce, automotive companies must adapt and develop new strategies to compete with their competitors and maximize their potential in after-sales service. This study aims to design business process improvements by using Business Process Reengineering (BPR) to increase the time efficiency of the after-sales service journey in one of the automotive companies in Indonesia. The method is used to design improvements to the service journey using the iGrafx software. Improvements are carried out on the whole journey of car service, starting from customer reception until service delivery and payment. Data collection regarding the car service process was collected in one of the automotive companies in Indonesia. The method consists of three steps namely mapping as-is process, analyzing as-is process, and modelling to-be process. The results of this study obtained an improvement scenario of a to-be process with the highest reduction in time.