Architectural acculturation in Brisbane has been one of the first manifestations of human civilization. In addition to being the capital city of Queensland, Australia, Brisbane has experienced many political events which have affected democracy within the community. In recent years, Brisbane has seen dramatic modernization as more and more people are becoming connected and digitally savvy. As a result, people have changed their expectations about what they expect from government, which encourages increased community involvement. Therefore, a democratic system can be inclusive by allowing communities to take part in decisions and actions. Further design for the Hall of Democracy will be based upon a study of the context, research of Australian political systems, a literature review of inclusive architecture, precedent studies, and modern building glass technology and LuxferPrism patent. In addition to applying local building regulations, Hall of Democracy will utilize the vision of the client, Grievous Keppler, great grandson of Frederick Keppler, to ensure everyone has the opportunity to be involved in the communities
regardless of age, race, and disability.
Akulturasi arsitektur di Brisbane telah menjadi salah satu manifestasi pertama peradaban manusia. Selain itu, sebagai ibu kota Queensland, Australia, Brisbane telah mengalami banyak peristiwa politik yang mempengaruhi demokrasi di masyarakat. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, Brisbane telah mengalami modernisasi yang dramatis karena semakin banyak orang yang lebih terhubung melalui media digital. Akibatnya, masyarakat telah mengubah harapan mereka terhadap pemerintah dan mendorong supaya peningkatan keterlibatan masyarakat ditingkatkan. Oleh karena itu, sistem demokrasi dapat bersifat inklusif dengan membiarkan masyarakat untuk ikut mengambil keputusan dan tindakan dalam keputusan pemerintah. Desain lebih lanjut untuk Hall of Democracy akan didasarkan pada studi konteks, penelitian sistem politik Australia, tinjauan literatur arsitektur inklusif, studi preseden, dan teknologi dan inovasi kaca pada bangunan modern dan paten Luxfer Prism. Selain menerapkan peraturan bangunan setempat, Hall of Democracy akan memanfaatkan visi klien, Grievous Keppler, cicit Frederick Keppler, untuk memastikan setiap orang memiliki kesempatan untuk terlibat dalam komunitas tanpa memandang usia, ras, dan disabilitas.