Reputasi berperan penting dalam pertumbuhan suatu perusahaan. Reputasi baik dapat memberikan berbagai keuntungan terhadap perusahaan. Hal tersebut mendorong banyak perusahaan meningkatkan reputasi baik perusahaan. Studi menunjukkan salah satu cara meningkatkan reputasi perusahaan, yaitu dengan melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan (CSR). Danone-AQUA melaksanakan CSR untuk memenuhi Peraturan Pemerintah sekaligus meningkatkan reputasi perusahaan. Makalah ini membahas mengenai strategi program CSR WASH AQUA Lestari oleh Danone-AQUA dan peran public relations dalam meningkatkan reputasi. Hasil analisis menjukkan Danone-AQUA dalam program WASH menggunakan strategi the citizenship strategy, dan merupakan inisiatif socially responsible business practice, yang dibantu peran public relations dalam meningkatkan reputasi perusahaan, dengan pembuktian berupa penerimaan penghargaan oleh Danone-AQUA.
Reputation plays an important role in the growth of a corporate. A good reputation can provide various benefits to the corporate. This has encouraged many corporates to improve their good reputation. The study shows that one way to improve a corporate's reputation is by implementing corporate social responsibility (CSR). Danone-AQUA carries out CSR to fulfill government regulations while enhancing the corporate's reputation. This paper discusses the strategy of the WASH AQUA Lestari CSR program by Danone-AQUA and the role of Public Relations in enhancing reputation. The results of the analysis show that Danone-AQUA in the WASH program uses the citizenship strategy, and is a socially responsible business practice initiative, which is assisted by the role of Public Relations in improving the corporate's reputation, with proof in the form of receiving awards by Danone-AQUA.