Pelaporan kegiatan pengadaan dan penyaluran obat dilaksanakan setiap 3 (tiga) bulan sekali melalui sistem e-Report, sedangkan pelaporan obat mengandung NPP dan OOT dilaksanakan setiap bulan melalui sistem e-Napza. Pelaporan ini dilakukan sebagai bukti pelaksanaan kegiatan yang menyediakan seluruh informasi terkait mutasi obat, sehingga memudahkan proses pengaturan dan pengendalian jika diperlukan. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah agar mampu memahami dan melaksanakan proses pelaporan obat melalui sistem e-Report dan obat mengandung NPP dan OOT melalui sistem e-Napza. Pelaporan obat menggunakan sistem e- Report dilakukan melalui web dengan mengisi
format template excel yang tersedia dalam web, lalu melakukan upload pelaporan. Jika terdapat data pelaporan yang ditolak, harus diperbaiki sesuai keterangan alasan penolakan laporan, lalu melakukan upload pelaporan kembali. Jika semua data
sudah diterima, maka dapat melakukan pengiriman laporan. Pelaporan obat mengandung NPP dan OOT menggunakan sistem e-Napza melalui web http://enapza. dilakukan setiap bulan sebelum tanggal 10. Saat akan melakukan pelaporan, harus memilih nama obat yang akan dilaporkan, dan mengisi data sesuai format template CSV yang tersedia pada web, jika format sudah sesuai maka dapat melakukan pengiriman laporan.
Reporting on medicine procurement and distribution activities is carried outevery 3 (three) months through e-Report system, while reporting of medicine containing NPP and OOT is carried out every month through the e-Napza system. This reporting is carried out as evidence of the activities implementation that provide all information related to medicine mutations, thereby facilitating theprocess of regulating and controlling if necessary. The purpose of this paper is tobe able to understand and implement the medicine reporting process through the e- Report system and medicine containing NPP and OOT through the e-Napza system. Medicine reporting using the e-Report system is carried out via the web by filling in an excel template format available on the web, then uploading the report. If there is reporting data has been rejected, it must be corrected according to the explanation of the reasons for rejection of the report, then upload the report again. If all data has been received, then a report can be sent. Reporting of drugs containing NPP and OOT uses the e-Napza system via the web conducted every month before the 10th. When reporting, you must choose the name of the drug to be reported, and fill in the data accordingly. CSV template format available on the web, if the format is appropriate, you can send reports.