Skripsi ini mengkaji tentang pengalaman menjadi penari dance cover dan pembentukan communitas di agensi PAOW DC. Melalui wawancara dengan lima anggota PAOW DC dan mengamati perilaku serta aktivitas mereka di komuniti dance cover saya melihat adanya proses belajar, refleksi dan pembagian pengalaman, dalam perilaku kolektif di agensi PAOW DC. Proses belajar terjadi karena anggota PAOW DC menghadapi situasi berbeda dengan kesehariannya yakni proses sosial yang terjadi di komuniti dance cover. Dalam proses tersebut mereka mendapatkan pengalaman individual yang nantinya akan direfleksikan di dalam agensinya. Refleksi dari pengalaman tersebut akan dialami oleh anggota PAOW DC yang lain sehinggga bersifat intersubjektif. Mereka berinteraksi dan membagikan pengalaman kemudian dapat membentuk communitas di agensinya. Hasilnya adalah mereka bisa bertahan pada kerasnya persaingan di komuniti dance cover karena empati, saling terbuka, menghargai, serta ikatan yang kuat antar anggotanya.
This study focus on the experience of being a dance cover performers and forming a communitas at PAOW DC agency. We comprehend the process of learning, reflection and sharing experiences in collective behavior at the PAOW DC agency through interviews with five of their members and observing their behavior and activities in the dance cover community. The learning process occurs as PAOW DC members encounter a different situations from their daily lives, specifically the social processes that ensue in the dance cover community. They gain individual experiences in the process, which will later be reflected in their agency. Reflections from these experiences will be witnessed by other PAOW DC members so that it is tend to be intersubjective. They are interacting and share experiences in forming a communitas within the agency. The outcome is they are able to withstand the intense competition in the dance cover community for their empathy, mutual openness, respect, and strong bonds amongst members.