Skripsi ini membahas analisis pengaruh leadership style (cara memimpin), thinking style
(cara berpikir) dan preparing to lead (persiapan untuk memimpin) terhadap kompetensi
karyawan PT X Jakarta. Data diperoleh dengan cara menyebarkan kuisioner kepada 255
karyawan PT X Jakarta. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian
ini, yaitu non-probability sampling dengan metode purposive sampling. Analisis data
dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode partial least square (PLS) dan metode partial
least square (PLS) dengan variabel moderator. Dalam penelitian didapat hasil bahwa
Leadership style mempengaruhi kompetensi karyawan PT X Jakarta dan preparing to
lead juga mempengaruhi kompetensi karyawan PT X Jakarta. Preparing to lead
mempengaruhi kekuatan leadership style dan kompetensi sebagai variabel moderator.
This thesis discusses the analysis of the influence of leadership style, thinking style andpreparing to lead on the competence of employees of PT X Jakarta. The data was obtainedby distributing questionnaires to 255 employees of PT X Jakarta. The sampling methodused in this study, namely non-probability sampling with purposive sampling method.The test was carried out using the partial least square (PLS) method and the partial leastsquare (PLS) method with a moderator variable. Leadership style greatly influences thecompetency of PT X Jakarta's employees and preparing to lead also influences thecompetence of the employees of PT X Jakarta significantly. Preparing to lead influencesleadership style and competence as a moderator variabel that influences the strength andrelationship between leadership style and the competence of employees of PT X Jakarta