Lembah Cisaar di Sumedang adalah salah satu lokasi baru dalam penelitian paleontologi vertebrata di Jawa. Pada tahun 2019, Tim dari Badan Geologi dan Museum Geologi Bandung melakukan survey awal dan berhasil mengekskavasi beberapa temuan paleontologi pada Lembah Cisaar. Titik ekskavasi terbagi menjadi lima lokasi, dengan masing masing mewakilkan beberapa lingkungan pengendapan dan satuan batuan pada Formasi Citalang. Penelitian ini memfokuskan dalam deskripsi awal dan analisis pemfosilan pada masing masing temuan. Temuan terdeskripsi menjadi 31 jenis temuan/kelompok temuan, didominasi oleh fosil vertebrata. Teridentifikasi beberapa fauna seperti Proboscidae, Bovidae serta reptil yang mencerminkan dominasi kelompok fauna cisaat. Dari segi pemfosilan, temuan telah mengalami alterasi seperti oksidasi, disolusi mineral bioapatit dan presipitasi mineral kalsit sekunder. Proses ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik litologi, reaksi dengan fluida eksternal, dan lingkungan pengendapan. Berdasarkan keberadaan fauna yang teridentifikasi, Paleoekologi pada Lembah Cisaar dapat diinterpretasikan memiliki dua fase lingkungan. Lingkungan pertama didominasi daerah transisi fluvial-estuari dan lingkungan kedua menggambarkan wilayah hutan terbuka.
Cisaar Valley in Sumedang is one of the newest locations in the research of vertebrate palaeontology in Java. In 2019, a team from the Geology Agency (Badan Geologi) and Bandung Geological Museum conducted an initial survey and succeed to excavated several paleontological findings in the Cisaar Valley. The excavation point is divided into five locations, with each representing several depositional environments and rock units in the Citalang formation. This study focuses on the initial description and fossilisation process of each finding. The findings were described as 31 types of finds/groups of findings, dominated by vertebrate fossils. Several faunas, such as Proboscidae, Bovidae and reptiles, were identified, reflecting the dominance of the Cisaat fauna group. In terms of fossilization, the findings have undergone alterations such as oxidation, bioapatite mineral dissolution and secondary calcite mineral precipitation. These processes are greatly influenced by the characteristics of the lithologies, reaction with an external fluid, and the depositional environment. Based on the presence of identified faunas, Paleoecology in the Cisaar Valley can be interpreted as two phases of environmental setting. The first environment is dominated by the fluvial-estuary transition area and the second environment describes open woodland areas.