Saat industri otomotif semakin mengglobal – dan pasar negara berkembang menjadi lebih menarik, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW) masih menjadi salah satu perusahaan otomotif terbesar di dunia. BMW terus membuktikan bahwa mereka mampu beradaptasi secara elegan dengan perubahan transformatif yang terjadi pada otomotif industri, ketimbang menyangkalnya. Sebagian besar kesuksesan BMW berkaitan erat dengan aktivitas operasi asingnya. Laporan ini akan memberikan analisi menyeluruh tentang apa yang telah memungkinkan BMW terus berjaya selama lebih dari seratus tahun. Teori operasi asing seperti ‘Aliansi’, ‘Investasi Asing Langsung’, ‘Mode-Switching’ dan ‘International Outsourcing’ akan banyak digunakan dalam laporan ini. Masing-masing konsep dan teori ini akan membantu tinjauan mendalam, mulai dari penjelasan tentang operasi luar negeri BMW di setiap negara terpilih, hingga menganalisis perkembangan dan kinerjanya berdasarkan metode serta aspek lain yang terkait dengannya.
As the automotive industry gets more globalised – and emerging markets gets more interesting, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW) has continued to be one of the paramount automotive enterprise in the world, they continue prove its well-deserved astounding legacy by adapting elegantly to industry’s transformative changes, rather than denying it. Huge part of BMW’s success has to deal with its foreign operations. This report will provide an overall analysis of what has allowed BMW to continually be triumphant for more than a hundred years. Foreign Operations theories especially ‘Alliances’, ‘Foreign Direct Investment’ and ‘Mode-Switching’ are heavily used in this report – in addition with ‘International Outsourcing’. Each of these concepts and theories will assist an in depth overview, starting from explaining about BMW’s foreign operation in each selected countries, to analyzing its development and performances based on the methods as well as other aspects relating to them. Moreover suggestions and empirical conclusion will be provided. Figure and detailed investment of the company will also be featured on Appendices.