Pandemi COVID-19 yang berasal dari Kota Wuhan, Provinsi Hubei, China saat ini turut melanda Indonesia dengan angka kasus yang meningkat secara signifikan. COVID-19 diketahui menimbulkan komplikasi terhadap fungsi pernafasan. Salah satu di antara komplikasi yang disebabkan oleh COVID-19 adalah Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). ARDS menimbulkan masalah keperawatan utama, yaitu gangguan pertukaran gas. Sehingga, pasien dengan masalah gangguan pertukaran gas membutuhkan intervensi keperawatan yang dapat membantu ventilasi-perfusi yang adekuat, salah satunya dengan penerapan pemberian posisi yang sesuai, seperti high-fowler. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi efektivitas penerapan pemberian posisi high-fowler pada pasien COVID-19 dengan ARDS. Pemberian posisi high-fowler dilakukan selama tiga hari dengan durasi 8 jam per hari pada pasien COVID-19 dengan ARDS di setting ruang high-care. Hasil menunjukkan perbaikan difusi alveolar paru yang adekuat berdasarkan indikator laju respirasi, saturasi oksigen, tidak adanya penggunaan otot bantu nafas dapat dipertahankan dalam batas normal. Penelitian ini diharapkan bermanfaat dalam memberikan intervensi keperawatan yang efektif untuk mengatasi gangguan pertukaran gas pada pasien COVID-19 dengan ARDS.
The COVID-19 pandemic, which was obtained from Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, is currently experiencing a significant increase in Indonesia. COVID-19 is known caused complication for respiratory function. One of complications that caused by COVID-19 is Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). ARDS poses a major nursing problem, namely impaired gas exchange. Thus, patient with impared gas exchange problem require nursing interventions that can help reach adequate ventilation-perfusion, one of which is by applying appropriate positioning, such as high-fowler. The aim of the study is to identify the effectiveness of applying high-fowler positioning in COVID-19 patient with ARDS. The implementation of high-fowler positioning was carried out for three days with a duration 8-hours per day in COVID-19 patient with ARDS in high-care unit setting. The results show an adequate improvement in pulmonary alveolars diffusion based on indicator, such as respiration rate, oxygen saturation, absence the use of breath-assisted muscles can be maintained within normal limits. This research is expected to be useful in providing effective nursing interventions to overcome impaired gas exchange in COVID-19 patient with ARDS.