Penyandang hipertensi banyak yang beralih dari terapi medik ke terapi komplementer. Banyak terapi komplementer yang sudah dilakukan namun pada kenyataannya masih menunjukkan effect size yang relatif kecil dalam penurunan tekanan darah, penurunan level stress dan peningkatan retensi short term memory. Kondisi ini menunjukkan belum tuntasnya penanganan hipertensi. Metode penelitian Tahap I Identifikasi jenis intervensi dan uji coba pada 164 responden penyandang hipertensi. Tahap II dilakukan uji coba Model Intervensi Keperawatan Ramah Hipertensi pada 40 responden. Hasil Tahap I diperoleh tiga jenis terapi komplementer yaitu progressive muscle relaxation, aroma lavender dan terapi warna hijau. Tahap II diperoleh hasil pengaruh Model Intervensi Keperawatan Ramah Hipertensi terhadap penurunan sistolik sebesar -16,90 mmHg dengan effect size 0,78 (sedang) dan p value < 0,005. Penurunan diastolik sebesar -12,45 dengan effect size 0,90 (besar). Penurunan level stress -4,92 dengan effect size 0,82 (besar). Peningkatan retensi short term memory sebesar +2,33 dengan effect size 0,78 (sedang). Kesimpulan Model Intervensi Keperawatan Ramah Hipertensi berpengaruh terhadap penurunan tekanan darah, penurunan level stress dan peningkatan retensi short term memory.
Many people with hypertension are switching from medical therapy to complementary therapy. Many complementary therapies have been implemented but in fact they still show relatively small effect sizes in reducing blood pressure, reducing stress levels and increasing short term memory retention. This condition indicates the incomplete management of hypertension. Phase I research methods Identify the types of intervention and trials on 164 respondents with hypertension. Phase II, a hypertension-friendly nursing intervention model was tested on 40 respondents. The results of there search in Phase I obtained three types of complementary therapies namely progressive muscle relaxation, lavender aroma, and green color therapy. In Phase II, the results of the effect of the Hypertension Friendly Nursing Intervention Model on systolic reduction of -16.90 mmHg with an effect size of 0.78 (moderate). The diastolic reduction is -12.45 with an effect size of 0.90 (large). Stress level decreases up to -4.92 with effect size 0.82 (large). Short-term memory retention increases by +2.33 with an effect size of 0.78 (moderate) and p-value<0.005. In conclusion,the Hypertension-Friendly Nursing Intervention Model affects the decrease in blood pressure, a decrease in stress levels, and increase retention of short-term memory.