Pneumonia dan penyakit infeksi pernapasan merupakan penyebab terbesar gangguan oksigenasi pada anak bahkan pada kasus berat memerlukan bantuan alat napas seperti ventilator. Penggunaan ventilator meningkatkan risiko infeksi VAP
(Ventilator Associated Pneumonia) yang mengakibatkan masa rawatan dua kali lebih lama, meningkatkan morbiditas serta mortalitas. Tujuan penulisan karya ilmiah ini untuk memberikan gambaran asuhan keperawatan pada anak dengan gangguan oksigenasi dengan pendekatan Teori
Comfort Kolcaba sekaligus mengembangkan protokol
bundle VAP. Terdapat lima kasus anak yang mengalami gangguan oksigenasi dan diberikan asuhan keperawatan melalui pendekatan teori kenyamanan Kolcaba yang berfokus pada pencegahan VAP. Aplikasi teori Kolcaba terbukti efektif memberikan kenyamanan anak sekaligus mengurangi risiko kejadian VAP.
Pneumonia and respiratory infections are the biggest causes of oxygenation caused in children, even in severe cases requiring the help of breathing devices such as ventilators. The use of a ventilator increases the risk of VAP (Ventilator Associated Pneumonia) infection which results in a longer treatment period, increasing morbidity and mortality. The purpose of writing this scientific paper is to provide an overview of nursing care for children with oxygenation disorders using the Kolcaba Comfort Theory approach while developing the VAP bundle protocol. There were five cases of children who experienced oxygenation disorders and were given nursing care through the Kolcaba comfort theory approach that focused on preventing VAP. The application of Kolcaba theory has proven to be effective in providing child comfort while reducing the risk of VAP events.