Hubungan yang terjalin antara guru dengan siswa merupakan faktor terpenting yang membentuk teacher wellbeing O Connor, 2008. Akan tetapi, terdapat faktor penting lainnya yang dapat mempengaruhi teacher wellbeing guru, yang diperkirakan dipengaruhi oleh status kepegawaian guru (guru tetap dan guru honorer) (Setiyawan, 2017). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah hubungan guru- iswa dan status kepegawaian guru dapat memprediksi teacher wellbeing pada guru di jenjang sekolah menengah. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada guru sekolah menengah (N = 284; 65.8% Perempuan; M-usia = 38.58 tahun) dengan alat ukur berupa skala Teacher Subjective Wellbeing Questionnaire (TSWQ) yang dikembangkan oleh Renshaw, Long, dan Cook (2015) dan skala Student-Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS) yang dikembangkan oleh Aldrup, Klusmann, Lüdtke, Göllner, dan Trautwein 2018. Kedua alat ukur sudah diadaptasi ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan memiliki hasil uji psikometrik yang baik. Diketahui bahwa hubungan guru siswa dan status kepegawaian guru sebagai prediktor terhadap teacher wellbeing sebagai variabel terikat menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan F2,281 = 78,118, p < .0005. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa hubungan guru siswa dapat memprediksi teacher wellbeing pada guru sekolah menengah secara positif dan status kepegawaian guru juga akan memprediksi teacher wellbeing pada guru jenjang sekolah menengah, dimana guru tetap memiliki teacher wellbeing yang lebih baik dibandingkan guru honorer.
The relationship that is bonded between teachers and their pupil is the most crucial factor of teacher wellbeing O Connor, 2008. However, there is another important predictor beside student-teacher relationship which could affect teachers wellbeing. Teachers employment status is regarded as another important predictor towards teacher wellbeing and it is shown as to whether the teacher is permanently employed or is a temporary teacher (Setiyawan, 2017). This research aims to see whether student-teacher relationship and teachers employment status could predict teacher wellbeing amongst teachers of secondary level of education. The subjects of this study were secondary teachers (N = 284; 65.8% Female; M-age = 38.58 years old). The instrument used in this research were Teacher Subjective Wellbeing Questionnaire (TSWQ) developed by Renshaw, Long, and Cook 2015 and Student Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS) developed by Aldrup, Klusmann, Lüdtke, Göllner, and Trautwein 2018. Both instruments were adapted to Bahasa Indonesia and showed having good psychometrical attributes. Multiple Regression Analysis were deployed to test both predictors and the result indicates both predictors successfully predict teacher wellbeing amongst secondary teacher F(2,281) = 78,118, p < .0005. The result indicates that student teacher relationship predicts teacher wellbeing positively and teachers employment status also predicts teacher wellbeing which permanent teachers show better teacher wellbeing than temporary teachers.