Penelitian ini menganalisis tindak tutur imperatif dalam film pendek
Escapade karya Gijs Bloom. Hal-hal yang dianalisis dalam penelitian ini mencakup bentuk dan fungsi tindak tutur imperatif dalam film pendek
Escapade. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa tuturan dalam dialog film pendek
Escapade karya Gijs Bloom. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori tindak tutur dari Austin dan Searle. Bentuk tindak tutur imperatif yang terdapat pada film
Escapade adalah: bentuk tindak tutur langsung literal dan bentuk tindak tutur tidak langsung literal. Fungsi tindak tutur imperatif pada film pendek
Escapade adalah: perintah, ajakan, permintaan, larangan dan anjuran.
This study analyzes imperative speech acts from the short film `Escapade` by Gijs Bloom. The analysis includes the form and function of imperative speech acts within the short film. The research was conducted as a qualitative study by using descriptive methods, through which the data in this study appears in the form of a speech act taken from the short film`s dialogue, which were later transcribed into written words or sentences for the purpose of this study. In this research, Austin and Searle`s speech act theory was used to analyse the different speech act forms and functions. These include: literal direct speech acts, and literal indirect speech acts. To add, this study analyses how imperative speech acts function as orders, invitations, requests, prohibitions and suggestions within the short film.