Belakangan ini, perkembangan platform streaming online sangatlah pesat. Perusahaan saling bersaing dan mencari keunggulan kompetitif untuk mendapatkan pendapatan sebanyak-banyaknya dari produk mereka. Salah satu cara dalam menyediakan produk layanan streaming adalah dengan menggunakan model freemium, dimana versi gratis dan versi berbayar ada berdampingan dalam satu platform layanan yang sama. Penelitian ini mempelajari tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi intensi loyalitas pengguna (
continuance intention dan
intention to purchase premium plan) dalam layanan streaming freemium. Faktor-faktor ini adalah
satisfaction, free mentality, personal innovativeness, brand familiarity, interpersonal relationships, value for money, relative advantage, switching cost, dan
alternative attractiveness ditambah dengan moderasi dari
usage period. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner yang disebar
online untuk mengumpulkan data dari responden dengan jumlah responden yang memenuhi syarat sebanyak 978 orang. Dari hasil penelitian, ditemukan bahwa
satisfaction, brand familiarity, interpersonal relationships, dan
switching cost secara signifikan mempengaruhi
continuance intention dan
intention to purchase, sedangkan
free mentality dan
personal innovativeness hanya mempengaruhi intention to purchase. Variabel
value for money dan
relative advantage juga ditemukan memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap intention to purchase.
These days, the development of online streaming platform has been rapid. Companies are competing and seeking their competitive advantage to gain as much as revenue from their products. One of the way company are selling their streaming service is by using a freemium model, where both a free and paid version of the service exist within the platform. This research studies the factors that affects the loyalty intention (continuance intention and intention to purchase premium plan) on a freemium streaming service. These factors are satisfaction, free mentality, personal innovativeness, brand familiarity, interpersonal relationship, value for money, relative advantage, switching cost, and alternative attractiveness and moderated by usage period. This study used online questionnaire to collect data from the respondents with 978 eligible respondents were used. It was found that satisfaction, brand familiarity, interpersonal relationships, and switching cost significantly affect continuance intention and intention to purchase, whilst free mentality and personal innovativeness only significantly affects intention to purchase. Value for money and relative advantage also significantly affects intention to purchase.