Seiring dengan meningkatnya kesejahteraan ekonomi dan tingkat konsumsi, muncul berbagai masalah lingkungan hidup di berbagai negara, termasuk negara-negara Asia. Sementara itu, produk dan merek yang mengusung nilai keberlanjutan atau sustainability kesulitan untuk bertahan di pasar. Sayangnya, penelitian tentang sustainability di Indonesia masih sangat sedikit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efek faktor-faktor psikologis pada sustainable purchase behavior. Faktor-faktor psikologis tersebut antara lain, environmental concern, perceived knowledge about sustainability issues, perceived consumer effectiveness, perceived marketplace influence, subjective norm, spirituality, attitude towards sustainable purchasing, drive for environmental responsibility, dan supportive behaviors for environmental organizations. Dengan menggunakan teknik self-administered survey yang disebar secara daring, penelitian ini mengambil sampel dari penduduk Pulau Jawa yang berusia 18-44 tahun. Setelah memperoleh 600 data sampel, data kemudian dianalisis dengan metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dalam software Lisrel 8.8. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor penentu dari sustainable purchase behavior adalah perceived knowledge, subjective norm, dan supportive behavior for environmental organizations. Temuan ini dapat membantu pemasar dalam meyakinkan konsumen untuk membeli produk-produk sustainable.
Along with economic growth and increased consumption, environmental problems are arising, especially in Asian countries. At the same time, sustainable products and brands are struggling to gain attention from the market. Unfortunately, sustainability studies are scarce in Indonesia. This research aims to investigate the influence of psychological factors on Indonesian consumers’ sustainable purchase behavior. The psychological factors include environmental concern, perceived knowledge about sustainability issues, perceived consumer effectiveness, perceived marketplace influence, subjective norm, spirituality, attitude towards sustainable purchasing, drive for environmental responsibility, and supportive behaviors for environmental organizations. Using a self-administered online survey, this research took Java Island consumers aged 18-44 as the respondents. The data of 600 young consumers were obtained and analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling technique in Lisrel 8.8 software. The findings demonstrate that perceived knowledge, subjective norm, and supportive behavior for environmental organizations are the significant predictors of sustainable purchase behavior. The result is useful to marketers in persuading consumers to buy sustainable products.