Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang kontinuitas lengger lanang sebagai salah satu bagian dari seni tradisi tari Lengger Banyumas ke dalam sebuah bentuk seni pertunjukan kontemporer. Penelitian menggunakan metode etnografi meliputi pengamatan, wawancara mendalam, dan pengumpulan data sekunder. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan adanya upaya rekacipta yang dilakukan oleh para seniman lengger lanang. Upaya rekacipta tersebut dilakukan melalui proses riset, pertukaran gagasan antara dramaturg, seniman lengger lanang, para penari, dan pemusik di dalam proyek pertunjukan, serta melalui praktik residensi. Hasil dari upaya rekacipta tersebut adalah proyek tari Lengger Lanang Banyumas kontemporer yang tentu saja tetap menunjukkan unsur spiritualitas (spirit indhang dan proses peleburan nyawiji di dalam tubuh penari lengger), serta unsur pertunjukan di dalam seni tradisi Lengger Banyumas (gerak tari dan unsur musik). Selain unsur spiritualitas dan unsur pertunjukan, hasil dari rekacipta tersebut juga menunjukkan adanya gagasan isu konseptual yang berkaitan dengan lengger lanang (jender, dan marjinalitas).
This research examines the continuity of lengger lanang as a part of the Lengger Banyumas dance tradition into a contemporary form of performance art. This research was conducted through ethnographic methods including observation, in-depth interviews, and secondary data collection. Through ethnographic methods, this research found that there was recreation tradition process made by lengger lanang artists. The recreated process was made through a research process, the exchange of ideas between dramaturgists, lengger lanang artists, dancers, and musicians in a performance, as well as through residency practices. The result of the recreated tradition process is the contemporary form of Lengger Lanang Banyumas dance which, of course, still shows the elements of spirituality (indhang spirit and nyawiji process), and shows the elements of performance (dance movements and musical elements) in the traditional form of Lengger Banyumas dance. In addition to the spirituality and performance elements, the results of the invention also reveal the conceptual issues which related to lengger lanang existence (gender, and marginality).