Penelitian ini menguji secara empiris pengaruh transaksi investor asing (
Foreign Net Buy (Sell))terhadap tingkat
initial return) saham IPO pada emiten BUMN, Anak BUMN, dan Non-BUMN (swasta). Penelitian dilakukan pada 119data
sampleyang terdiri dari 4 sample saham BUMN, 3 Anak BUMN, dan 112Non-BUMN (swasta). Selain transaksi investor asing pada vaiabel bebas ditambahkan juga ukuran perusahaan sebagai variabel kontrol untuk analisa regresinya. Analisa dilakukan dengan melakukan regresi data panel. Hasil penelitian adalah (1) Transaksi investor asing berpengaruh terhadap
underpricingkecuali pada emiten BUMN(2) Adanya pengaruh ukuran perusahaan terhadap
underpricinghanya ditemukan pada emiten Anak BUMN.
This research empirically examines the influence of foreign investor (Net Buy (Sell) ) and size of company (Assets) on IPO’s stock underpricing for State Owned Enterprise (SOE), SOE Affiliates Company, and Non-SOE. The study was conducted on 119 data samples consisting of 4 samples in the SOE company, 3 samples in the SOE Affiliates Company, and 112 samples in the Non-SOE. The researcher also add a size of company as a control variable for the regression analysis. The analysis is carried out by conducting data panel regression. The results of the research are (1) The influence of foreign investors on underpricing is found except on the SOE (2) The influence of size of company on underpricing is found only on SOE Affiliates Company.