Background: Systemic sclerosis is a chronic progressive multisystem autoimmune disease in connective tissue, characterized by its heterogeneous clinical manifestation. The purpose of this study is to give information regarding clinical manifestations and laboratory findings of systemic sclerosis patients to establish diagnosis of disease.
Methods: This study was conducted using descriptive quantitative design in September until October 2016. Data was collected from medical records of patients visiting Rheumatology Clinic Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital from 1 July 2015 until 30 June 2016 using total sampling method. The collected data were expected to comprise patients clinical manifestation and laboratory finding.
Results: Most of patients had cutaneous 57 100.0 pecent and musculoskeletal 40 70.2 pecent involvement. Some of the disease manifestations were Raynauds phenomenon 38 66.7 pecent , fingertip lesion 33 57.9 pecent, stiffness in skin 34 59.6 pecent, and arthalgia 29 50.9 pecent. Gastrointestinal involvements were present in 29 50.9 pecent patients. Renal involvement were determined from urinalysis result showed proteinuria 10 17.5 pecent and hematuria 8 14.0 pecent, found in 24 42.1 pecent patients, while pulmonary and cardiac involvements were found in 30 52.6 pecent patients, acknowledged from clinical symptoms such as dyspnea 12 21.1 pecent. Identification of autoantibodies was found in 12 21.1 pecent patients, with 10 17.5 pecent patients had reactive ANA and 3 3.5 pecent had positive anti Scl70.
Conclusion: Most of systemic sclerosis patients had cutaneous involvement. Renal, pulmonary, and cardiac involvement were concluded based on laboratory findings.