ABSTRACTThis research is classified as correlational research which consists of two independent variables, the knowledge of environmental pollution and emotional intelligence, and a dependent variable, that is the participation of housewife in health care environment. This research was carried out in Cimandala village, Bogor district in 2012 with a total sample of 233 people who were taken as a multistage proportional random sampling. The research uses a method of survey and data analysis technique, with correlation and simple linear regression as well as correlation and multiple linear regression statistic tests. Meanwhile, the hyphotesis test was conducted on α = 0,05 dan α = 0,01. This research has three conclusions as follow: (1) There is a very significant positive relationship between the knowledge of environmental pollution with the participation of housewife in health care environment by the regression equation Ŷ = 140.606 + 0.632 X1, with the correlation coefficient value of ry1 =0.528 and the determination of the coefficient (r2) = 0.279. (2) There is a very significant positive correlation between the emotional intelligence with the participation of housewife in health care environment by the regression equation Ŷ = 54.487 + 0.654X2 and correlation coefficient ry2 = 0.542and than the coefficient determination (r2) was equal to 0.294. (3) there is a very significant relationship between the knowledge of environmental pollution and the emotional intelligence together with the participation of housewife in health care environment by the regression equation Ŷ = 84.737 + 0.260 X1 +0.420 X2, with the value of the coefficients correlation of ry12 = 0.551 and the determination of the coefficient (r2) = 0.303 Based on these results, it can be concluded that the participation of the housewife in health care environment can be improved through the knowledge environmental pollution and emotional intelligence.