Seorang apoteker memegang peranan penting dalam bidang kesehatan, sehingga apoteker harus memenuhi standar kompetensi sebagai persyaratan untuk memasuki dunia kerja dan menjalani praktik profesi. Sebagai bekal dan pengalaman calon apoteker untuk dapat memahami peran dan kompetensi di dunia kerja, maka dilaksanakan Praktik Kerja Profesi Apoteker (PKPA) di beberapa tempat, yaitu di PT SamMarie Tramedifa, Apotek Kimia Farma No. 510 Lenteng Agung, dan PT Aventis Pharma. Selama PKPA, calon apoteker diharapkan dapat memperluas wawasan, pemahaman, dan pengalaman dalam melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian di berbagai tempat selama praktik kerja profesi.
Pharmacists have an important role as one of the healthcare professional. Pharmacists must comply with the competency standards before get into the professional practices. Therefore, in order to get experiences working as a healthcare professional, the Pharmacists Internship Program that called as Praktik Kerja Profesi Apoteker (PKPA) have been implemented. The prospective pharmacists get to do the internship at several places, such as PT SamMarie Tramedifa, Apotek Kimia Farma No. 510 Lenteng Agung, and PT Aventis Pharma. The prospective pharmacists are expected to get more knowledge and experiences to do the pharmaceutical practices in various places during the PKPA.