ABSTRAKThe research of autocad 2017 application for the learning of technical drawing in electrical engineering department aimed to know the accuracy level of drawing result, convenience, speed, neatness and advantage of making the technical drawing by using Autocad 2017 as well as to know the students understanding of Autocad. The benefit of this research is to know college students response toward Autocad so that to the lecturers can prepare the college students who are capable and skilled in designing and drawing the objects using autocad in the industry. The object of this research is Autocad 2017 software which will be applied in learning technical drawing. The research method is the comparison method that comparing the manual drawing by using conventional drawing tools with Autocad 2017, comparison the Autocad 2016 with Autocad 2017 as well as comparison the college student test score for technical drawing courses before and after using autocad. The accuracy of the drawing results for the dimensions of length and angle are 100% accurate of the expected size. The speed of finishing the drawing by using the autocad is three to 10 times faster than be manual way, convenience, neatness, and visualization is better with using autocad, while its comparison with the autocad 2016, Autocad 2017 is better in terms of smart centerlines, center mark, smart dimensioning and import files with pdf extension. Scores isobtained by college students before and after the using of autocad 2017 showed the average grade of EL 1C college student in the academic year 2017/2018 was 90 from the total college students as many as 27 peoples, the lowest was 85, they were as many as 7,41 % while the highest score of 95 was 18,52 % before using Autocad the college students average score wa 77, the lowest score was 75, only as much as 7 % while the highest value was 79, they were as much as 19 %. This shows that the application of Autocad in learning technical drawing is beside as provision and added value for college students, the application of autocad gives interest and enthusiasm of college students in understanding every matter in technical drawings.