ABSTRAKAngka rawat inap pasien anak masih tinggi baik di dunia maupun di Indonesia. Selama proses perawatan rawat inap, anak harus beradaptasi dengan berbagai stresor seperti kondisi kesehatan, tindakan invasif, lingkungan fisik rumah sakit, sikap petugas kesehatan, dan lingkungan sosial. Setiap anak memiliki tingkat kemampuan koping yang berbeda dalam menghadapi stresor. Anak-anak yang tidak mampu mengatasi stres selama dirawat di rumah sakit cenderung mengalami stres dan akhirnya mengalami trauma. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali pengalaman anak dalam menerima asuhan atraumatik selama rawat inap menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi fenomenologi deskriptif. Jumlah partisipan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 11 partisipan yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian diperoleh empat tema yaitu kebutuhan anak akan kehadiran orang tua dalam rawat inap; Manajemen nyeri yang tidak efektif dalam tindakan invasif menyebabkan trauma; Kualitas perawatan pasien menurun karena kesibukan perawat; dan kebutuhan sosialisasi, belajar dan bermain anak-anak selama dirawat di rumah sakit.
ABSTRACTThe hospitalization rate for pediatric patients is still high both in the world and in Indonesia. During the inpatient care process, children must adapt to various stressors such as health conditions, invasive measures, the physical environment of the hospital, the attitude of health workers, and the social environment. Every child has a different level of coping ability in dealing with stressors. Children who are unable to cope with stress while in hospital are more likely to experience stress and eventually experience trauma. This study aims to explore children's experiences in receiving atraumatic care during hospitalization using qualitative research methods with descriptive phenomenological study approach. The number of participants in this study were 11 participants who were selected using purposive sampling technique. The results obtained four themes, namely the child's need for the presence of parents in hospitalization; Ineffective pain management under invasive measures resulting in trauma; The quality of patient care has decreased due to the busyness of the nurses; and the children's social, learning and playing needs during their hospitalization.