ABSTRAKE-logistik adalah salah satu kebijakan di bidang tata kelola obat dan vaksin untuk
meningkatkan akuntabilitas dan transparansi rantai suplai obat dan vaksin, mulai
diperkenalkan sejak tahun 2015, dan ditetapkan pada tahun 2017 melalui Keputusan
Menteri Kesehatan RI Nomor HK.01.07/MENKES/422/2017. Selain aplikasi e-logistik
itu sendiri, dukungan dana juga diberikan bagi implementasi kebijakan ini. Namun,
hingga akhir tahun 2017 Instalasi Farmasi Provinsi dan Kabupaten/Kota pengguna elogistik
masih rendah, yaitu sebesar 20,26%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh
informasi mengenai kinerja implementasi kebijakan penerapan e-logistik di Provinsi
Jawa Barat Tahun 2018. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif,
dilakukan selama bulan Maret sampai Juni 2019 di Kementerian Kesehatan, Dinas
Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Barat, Dinas Kesehatan Kota Sukabumi, dan Dinas Kesehatan
Kota Depok. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu melalui wawancara mendalam kepada
informan kunci, observasi, dan telaah dokumen. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan
model implementasi kebijakan Van Meter dan Van Horn. Variabel yang diteliti yaitu
ukuran dan tujuan kebijakan, sumber daya kebijakan, karakteristik badan pelaksana,
komunikasi antar organisasi, disposisi pelaksana, lingkungan ekonomi, sosial, dan politik
yang mempengaruhi kinerja implementasi kebijakan. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa
belum terjadi rutinitas dalam penerapan e-logistik, terdapat perbedaan persepsi mengenai
ukuran dan tujuan kebijakan, pemanfaatan sumber daya kebijakan yang belum optimal,
keterbatasan kapasitas pengelola e-logistik di pusat dan provinsi, transmisi komunikasi
yang belum efektif, intensitas pelaksana yang berbeda, lingkungan ekonomi, sosial, dan
politik yang kurang mendukung. Sebagai kesimpulan kinerja implementasi kebijakan
penerapan e-logistik di Provinsi Jawa Barat pada tahun 2018 belum optimal. Untuk itu
diperlukan upaya untuk menuangkan kebijakan penerapan e-logistik ini ke dalam bentuk
Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan, peningkatan kapasitas pengelola e-logistik di pusat,
provinsi, dan kabupaten/kota, pengembangan e-logistik hingga menjangkau Puskesmas,
serta transmisi komunikasi yang diarahkan pada peningkatan kesadaran pelaksana akan
kebutuhan menggunakan e-logistik.
ABSTRACTE-logistics is one of the policies in the field of medicine and vaccine management to
improve accountability and transparency of medicine and vaccine supply chains, which
was introduced since 2015, and set in 2017 through the Decree of the Minister of Health
of the Republic of Indonesia Number HK.01.07/MENKES/422/ 2017. In addition to the
e-logistics application itself, financial support is also provided for the implementation of
this policy. However, by the end of 2017 the percentage of Provincial and District
Pharmaceutical Installation which used e-logistic were still low, about 20.26%. This study
aims to obtain information about the performance of the implementation of e-logistics
policies in West Java Province in 2018. This study uses qualitative research methods,
carried out during March to June 2019 at the Ministry of Health, West Java Provincial
Health Office, Sukabumi City Health Office, and Depok City Health Office. Data were
collected through in-depth interviews with key informants, observation, and document
review. This study uses the approach of Van Meter and Van Horn policy implementation
model. The variables studied were the standard and objectives of the policy, resources,
characteristics of the implementing agency, interorganizational communication, the
disposition of implementors, economic, social, and political conditions that influence the
performance of policy implementation. The results showed that e-logistics was not
institutionalized yet, there were differences in perceptions regarding standard and
objectives of the policy, utilization of policy resources were not optimal, limited capacity
of e-logistics managers at the central and provincial levels, communication transmission
was not effective yet, the intensity difference of implementors, economic, social and
political condition were less supportive. In conclusion, the implementation of the elogistics
policy in West Java Province in 2018 has not been optimal. For this reason, there
is a need to arrange this policy in form of Minister of Health Regulations, increase the
capacity of e-logistic managers at the central, provincial and district levels, improvement
of e-logistics to reach Health Center Office, and transmition communications aimed at
raising awareness of implementers of the need to use e-logistics