ABSTRAKAkhir-akhir ini, kategori produk apparel wanita lokal Indonesia telah berkembang dengan dukungan kemajuan teknologi dan tren belanja online yang meningkat. Maka dari itu, dengan mengetahui dan mengikuti pola perilaku konsumen saat ini di setiap tahap (mulai dari problem recognition hingga post-purchase behavior) dalam membuat keputusan pembelian online, diharapkan dapat membantu merek apparel lokal untuk meningkatkan penjualan dan memperluas pangsa pasar mereka. Penelitian ini menganalisis perilaku pembelian online konsumen melalui: online brand experience yang dimediasikan oleh online brand familiarity; pengaruh central route & peripheral route terhadap information adoption; information adoption yang dimediasikan oleh perceived e-WOM credibility; dan online purchase experience. Responden merupakan individu yang pernah membeli merek apparel lokal Indonesia melalui online, yang kemudian data diolah menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa online brand experience memiliki pengaruh positif pada perilaku pembelian online konsumen hanya jika dimediasi oleh online brand familiarity; central route peripheral route memiliki pengaruh positif pada information adoption; information adoption yang dimediasi oleh perceived e-WOM credibility tidak secara signifikan mempengaruhi perilaku pembelian online konsumen; dan online purchase experience memiliki pengaruh positif pada perilaku pembelian online konsumen.
ABSTRACTRecently, Indonesian local women apparel category has been growing with the support of technological advancements and the increasing trend of online shopping. Thus, by knowing and following the current patterns of consumer behavior at every stage (starting from problem recognition to post-purchase behavior) in making online purchase decisions, expected to help local apparel brands to increase the sales and expand their market share. This study is analyzing consumer online purchase behavior through: online brand experience mediated by online brand familiarity; the influence of central route & peripheral route on the information adoption; information adoption mediated by perceived e-WOM credibility; and online purchase experience. Respondents were people who has bought Indonesian local apparel brand through online, and the data is processed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The results shows that online brand experience have a positive influence on consumer online purchase behavior only if mediated by online brand familiarity; central route peripheral route have a positive influence on information adoption; information adoption mediated by perceived e-WOM credibility is not significantly influence consumer online purchase behavior; and online purchase experience have a positive influence on consumer online purchase behavior.