ABSTRAKDepresi merupakan masalah kesehatan jiwa yang mempengaruhi spiritual lansia. Spiritual menjadi kebutuhan penting pada lansia dengan depresi sehingga penanganan intervensi keperawatan dengan pendekatan spiritual perlu diterapkan dalam menurunkan tingkat depresi lansia. Intervensi keperawatan SILANSIA (spiritual bagi lansia) digunakan sebagai usaha penanganan dalam menurunkan tingkat depresi lansia pada individu, keluarga dan masyarakat. Intervensi SILANSIA diimplementasikan kepada lansia depresi sebanyak 106 orang diberikan selama 30 menit per sesi sebanyak 8 sesi. Kriteria inklusi adalah: berusia 60 tahun ke atas, memiliki tingkat depresi ringan dan sedang, tidak mengalami gangguan kognitif dan pendengaran. Hasil implementasi kepada keluarga dan kelompok didapatkan rerata nilai depresi lansia adalah 4,79 sebelum intervensi menjadi 2,48 sesudah intervensi. Artinya rerata nilai depresi lansia mengalami penurunan sebanyak 2,31. Hasil uji independent t test didapatkan nilai p value <0,05. Intervensi SILANSIA (Spiritualitas lansia) berpengaruh terhadap penurunan tingkat depresi lansia di kelurahan Cisalak Pasar. Intervensi SILANSIA dapat digunakan sebagai pilihan intervensi keperawatan dan direkomendasikan agar diterapkan pada individu, kelompok dan masyarakat sebagai intervensi dalam menangani masalah depresi lansia di komunitas.
ABSTRACTDepression is a mental health problem that affects the spiritual elderly. Spiritual is a vital need for the elderly with depression so that the handling of spiritual intervention nursing approaches needs to be applied for the decrease depression level. An effort to reduce the level of depression in the elderly used SILANSIA nursing intervention (spiritual for the elderly). SILANSIA intervention was implemented for 106 depressed older adults, and the intervention was given for 30 minutes per session as many as eight sessions. Inclusion criteria are: 60 years and over, have mild and moderate levels of depression, do not have cognitive and hearing impairment. The results of the implementation of the family and group obtained the average depression value of the elderly was 4.79 before the intervention to 2.48 after the intervention, meaning that the average depression value of the elderly decreased by 2.31. The results of the independent t-test found that the p-value <0.005 means that there is the effectiveness of the SILANSIA intervention (the elderly s spirituality) the level of depression of the elderly in the Cisalak Pasar village. The SILANSIA intervention program can be applied as a choice of nursing interventions. It would be a recommendation for an individual, group and community in dealing with elderly depression.