ABSTRAKPenelitian ini secara empiris menguji dampak dari empatdimensi kepribadian merek (sincerity, excitement, competencedan sophistication) pada brand love, store brand loyaltyand positive word of mouth.Sayafokus pada pengecer online di Indonesia. Model yang diusulkan diuji menggunakan pemodelan persamaan struktural (SEM) dari 398 responden yang dikumpulkan. +WOM penting untuk mengurangi biaya pemasaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis apakah empatdimensi brand personalitydan brand lovememiliki dampak positif pada store brand loyaltydanpositive word of mouth. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa tigadari empatdimensi kepribadian merek yaitu sincerity, competence, sophistication memiliki dampak positif pada brand lovedan melalui jalur store brand loyaltyke positif word of mouth. Dua dimensibrand personality yaitu sincerity, excitement berpengaruh secara positif terhadap+ WOM.Pengaruh tigadimensibrand personality pada + WOM karena brand love. Jadi, temuan ini memperkuat pentingnya membangun brand personality danbrand love dalam konteks ritel.
ABSTRACTThis research empirically tests the impact of four brand personality dimensions (sincerity, excitement, competence and sophistication) on brand love, store brand loyalty and positive word of mouth. I focused on online retailers in Indonesia. The proposed model is tested using structural equation modeling (SEM) from 398 collected respondents. +WOM is important to reduce marketing costs. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether the four dimensions of brand personality and brand love have a positive impact on store brand loyalty and positive word of mouth. The results demonstrated that three of four dimensions of brand personality namely sincerity, competence, sophistication have a positive impact on brand love and through store brand loyalty path to positive word of mouth. Two dimensions of brand personality, namely sincerity, excitement have a positive effect on + WOM. The effect of three dimensions brand personality on +WOM because brand love. So, this finding strengthens the importance of the brand personality brand love construct in the context of retailing.