Fokus dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji hubungan antara Transformational
Leadership terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior dengan mengeksplorasi
potensi mediasi Psychological Empowerment dan Affective Commitment. Studi ini
memberikan pemahaman mengenai pemimpin publik sektor dalam menciptakan sikap
atau perilaku pegawai yang mendukung aktivitas organisasi Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hubungan positif antara transformational leadership dengan psychological empowerment dan affective commitment sebagai mediasi terhadap organizational citizenship behavior.
The focus of this research is to examine the relationship between Transformational Leadership to Organizational Citizenship Behavior by exploring the potential mediation of Psychological Empowerment and Affective Commitment. This study provides an understanding of public sector leaders in creating employee attitudes or behaviors that
support organizational activities Organizational Citizenship Behavior. The results
show a positive relationship between transformational leadership with psychological
empowerment and affective commitment as mediation towards organizational
citizenship behavior.