ABSTRAKTelah dilakukan penelitian mengenai pengaruh pengayaan olfaktori terhadap perilaku adaptif populasi harimau sumatra di Taman Margasatwa Ragunan (TMR). Pengayaan olfaktori yang diberikan berupa feses babi hutan (
Sus scrofa) dan rusa sambar (
Rusa unicolor). Pengamatan berlangsung selama tujuh pekan efektif dengan komposisi tiga pekan pengamatan awal, dua pekan pengayaan, dan dua pekan pascapengayaan. Pengambilan data seluruhnya menggunakan ethogram digital sebagai upaya peningkatan efisiensi penelitian. Data utama berupa jenis, durasi, dan frekuensi perilaku untuk penghitungan
time budget. Data tambahan berupa pola interaksi dan penggunaan ruang digunakan sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam analisis. Peningkatkan efisiensi pengambilan data tercapai melalui sistem pencatat otomatis untuk perilaku, waktu, posisi, dan objek interaksi. Analisis statistika menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan pada persentase perilaku adaptif antara periode pengamatan awal (9,772 ± 1,920%) dan periode pengayaan (1,128 ± 0,289%). Penurunan persentase perilaku adaptif diikuti oleh peningkatan perilaku eksplorasi positif. Eksplorasi positif ditandai dengan perilaku interaksi dan lokomosi. Peningkatan perilaku lokomosi bertahan hingga pemberian pengayaan dihentikan. Perubahan level perilaku timbul karena adanya fluktuasi pada stimulus dalam kandang. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan
ethogram digital mampu mempermudah proses observasi perilaku langsung. Kesimpulan lain yang dapat ditarik dari penelitian ini yaitu pemberian pengayaan olfaktori dapat mengurangi prevalensi kemunculan perilaku adaptif harimau sumatra di TMR.
This research observed the effects of olfactory enrichments on the adaptive behavior of captive Sumatran tigers at Ragunan Zoological Park. Olfactory enrichment was given in form of fresh prey feces obtained from Ragunan herbivore enclosures. Observation ran for seven weeks with three weeks of baseline observation, two weeks of enrichment, and two weeks of post-enrichment observation. The data collection process was entirely done through digital ethogram as an effort to optimize the research. Core data consisted of behavior type, duration, and frequency. Additional data included spatial mapping and interactions between tigers and objects. Efficiency of data collection process was successfully improved through automatic recording of time, behavior, tiger position in the enclosure, and interaction targets. Statistical analysis of time budget revealed significant differences between the prevalence of adaptive behavior pre-enrichment (9.8 ± 1.92%) and during enrichment (1.1 ± 0.29%). Lowered levels of adaptive behavior is followed by an increase in positive exploratory behavior. Positive exploratory behavior consists of behaviors from Interaction and Locomotion categories. The increase in locomotion is observed even after enrichment ceased to be given. Changes in behavior resulted from fluctuation of stimulus that the tigers were exposed to within the enclosure. It can be concluded that digital ethogram increases the efficiency of data recording in direct observation and that olfactory enrichment influences the prevalence of Sumatran tiger adaptive behavior at Ragunan Zoological Park.