Parent or family is the first responsible on the realisation of children social welfare. Through family hope program, as preventive poverty program cross agencies, giving social protection on very poor family (KSM). The research was done to know the family role to enhance children social welfare through family hope program. Data resources in the research were PKH guides, KSM as beneficiaries, and Social Manpower and Transmigration Agency personels in Banjar Regency. Data were gathered through depth interview, observation, and documentary analysis. The result showed that family hope responded positively form beneficiaries. The selves awareness and confidence form beneficiaries on potentiality they have enhance their will to fulfil their responsibility as parents or family to send their children to schools, so that they grow and develop normally. Based on the research finding, it is recommended to the Minister of Social Affairs through the Directorate of Social Assurance, to deveIop program based on the principle that the best environment to grow and develop the children is in parent or family caring and protection.