Latar belakang: Psoriasis adalah penyakit inflamasi kulit kronik yang diperantarai sistem imun, dengan etiologi multifaktor. Stres telah diidentifikasi sebagai penyebab maupun faktor eksaserbasi psoriasis. High sensitivity c-reactive protein hs-CRP merupakan penanda sensitif untuk inflamasi. Stres maupun psoriasis dapat meningkatkan kadar hs-CRP serum. Data tingkat stres dan kadar hs-CRP serum pada pasien psoriasis terbatas dan belum ada penelitian mengenai korelasi antara stres dengan kadar hs-CRP serum pasien psoriasis Indonesia. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan korelasi antara stres dengan derajat keparahan psoriasis dan high sensitivity c-reactive protein. Metode: Pada studi potong lintang ini, pemilihan sampel dilakukan secara consecutive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 33 pasien. Derajat keparahan psoriasis diukur dengan metode Psoriasis Area and Severity Index PASI , penilaian stres dengan kuesioner Perceived Stress Scale PSS , dan kadar hs-CRP serum sebagai penanda inflamasi. Hasil: Didapatkan rerata usia 40,12 13,04 tahun dengan median skor PASI sebesar 4,7 0,9-22,4 . Didapatkan median skor kuesioner PSS sebesar 22 8-30 dan median kadar hs-CRP pada SP sebesar 2,38 0,53-12,06 mg/L. Ditemukan nilai korelasi antara stres dengan derajat keparahan psoriasis r= 0,30;p=0,046 , derajat keparahan psoriasis dengan kadar hs-CRP serum r = 0,363; p = 0,019 , dan stres dengan kadar hs-CRP serum r= 0,236; p= 0,093 . Simpulan: Ditemukan korelasi bermakna antara stres dengan derajat keparahan psoriasis dan derajat keparahan psoriasis dengan kadar hs-CRP serum. Namun tidak didapatkan korelasi bermakna secara statistik antara stres dengan kadar hs-CRP serum. Hasil ini mungkin dikarenakan faktor perancu yang dapat memengaruhi stres maupun kadar hs-CRP serum. Identifikasi dan tatalaksana stres dapat bermanfaat bagi terapi psoriasis.
Background Psoriasis is a multifactorial immune mediated chronic inflammatory skin disease. Stress is identified as a trigger and precipitating factor for psoriasis. High sensitivity c reactive protein hs CRP is a sensitive marker for inflammation. Stress and psoriasis may cause an increase in hs CRP serum. There are limited studies on stress and hs CRP levels in Indonesian psoriatic patients and there are no reported studies on the correlation between stress and hs CRP levels in Indonesian psoriatic patients. Objective To determine the correlation between stress and psoriasis disease severity and high sensitivity c reative protein levels. Method Sample selection for this cross sectional study was done by consecutive sampling. The Psoriasis Area and Severity Index PASI was used to measure disease severity, the self reporting Perceived Stress Scale PSS was used as a measure for stress, and hs CRP serum was used as a marker for inflammation. Results A total 33 subjects were enrolled to the study, with the median age of 40, 12 13, 04 years old and median PASI score of 4,7 range 0,9 22,4 . The median PSS score was 22 range 8 30 with a median hs CRP serum level of 2,38 range 0,53 12,06 mg L. We found correlation coefficients between stress and psoriasis severity r 0,30 p 0,046 , psoriasis severity and hs CRP serum levels r 0,363 p 0,019 , and stress and hs CRP serum levels r 0,236 p 0,093 . Conclusion We found a statistically significant correlation between stress and psoriasis severity and between psoriasis severity and hs CRP serum levels. However, no statistically significant correlation was found between stress and hs CRP serum levels. This may be caused by confounding factors influencing stress or hs CRP levels. However, identification and management of stres maybe beneficial for psoriatic patients.