ABSTRACTSkripsi ini menguji kesesuaian brand personality dengan actual dan ideal self self-congruence konsumen terhadap pembentukan emotional brand attachment, yang juga dipengaruhi oleh product involvement, self-esteem, dan public self-consciousness sebegai variabel moderator. Penelitian ini juga meneliti perbedaan pengaruh independen variabel terhadap emotional brand attachment merek yang bersifat fungsional dan simbolis. Tujuan dari pengujian ini adalah untuk memahami dampak relatif actual self dan ideal self konsumen terhadap emotional brand attachment. Untuk memenuhi tujuan tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif untuk menganalisis pengaruh dan kekuatan actual dan ideal self-congruence terhadap emotional brand attachment, serta pengaruh variabel moderator pada hubungan tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada level individu, product involvement, self-esteem, dan public self-consciousness dapat meningkatkan self-congruence yang dilakukan konsumen terhadap emotional brand attachment.
ABSTRACTThis thesis tests consumers 39 actual and ideal self congruence in the construction of emotional brand attachment, which also influenced by product involvement, self esteem, and public self consciousness as moderating variables. This thesis also seeks the difference of impact of the independent variables to the dependent variables, based on the product rsquo s functional or symbolic nature. The goal of this testing is to understand the relative impact of the consumer rsquo s actual and ideal self for their emotional brand attachment. To achieve that, this thesis uses quantitative method to analyze the influence and strength between actual and ideal self congruence and emotional brand attachment, including the influence that the moderating variables have over the main variable rsquo relationship in this research. The outcome of this testing shows that, on individual level, product involvement, self esteem, and public self consciousness increases the consumers rsquo self congruence, therefore simultaneously increasing emotional brand attachment.