ABSTRAKIndustri kreatif di Indonesia menghadapi banyak peluang untuk berkembang. Kemajuan teknologi serta bonus demografi yang diharapkan di Indonesia menjembatani kemungkinan untuk mempercepat efisiensi industri kreatif yang akan berkontribusi terhadap pertumbuhan sektor ekonomi. Kaum muda harus menyadari pentingnya partisipasi kreatif mereka dalam media digital, karena mereka bertanggung jawab atas berlangsungnya kehidupan masyarakat. Rasa memiliki antar satu sama lain akan memulai bentuk kreatif lebih lanjut seperti kewiraswastaan, di mana manfaatnya bisa diberikan untuk individu maupun masyarakat. Makalah ini akan meneliti berbagai jenis partisipasi kreatif oleh anak muda, pentingnya, dan bagaimana hal itu dapat berdampak pada pengembangan industri kreatif di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan tinjauan pustaka, wawancara mendalam, dan studi kasus. Kisah sukses yang ditemukan di kaum muda di bidang tertentu akan menjadi masukkan rekomendasi peneliti tentang bagaimana meningkatkan kesadaran kaum muda tentang pentingnya industri kreatif di Indonesia dan partisipasi mereka yang turut berpengaruh dalam perkembangannya.
ABSTRACTCreative industry in Indonesia is facing a great deal of opportunities to develop. The advancement of technology as well as the expected demographic bonus in Indonesia bridges the possibility to accelerate the efficiency of the creative industry that will contribute to the growth of the economic sector. Young people must be well aware of the importance of their creative participation in digital media, as they are responsible for the occurrence of the society. The sense of belonging with others will then initiate further form of creative such as entrepreneurship, in which the benefits could be taken for individuals as well as for community. This paper will examine the different types of creative participation by youth, the importance, and how it may be impactful towards the development of creative industry in Indonesia. By using qualitative research methods, the research was done by doing literature review, in depth interview, and case study. The successful stories found in youth will then become insights for the researcher rsquo s recommendation on how to make youth to become aware of the importance of creative industry as well as their creative participation towards its development.