LATAR BELAKANG: Penilaian aktivitas fisik ibu selama kehamilan sangat penting karena hubungan yang erat antara tingkat aktivitas fisik dan status kesehatan.1 Hubungan erat antara aktivitas fisik sehari-hari dan hasil luaran kehamilan masih belum jelas terungkap karena luasnya variasi desain studi dan langkah-langkah penilaian aktivitas fisik.2 TUJUAN: Untuk melihat sebaran aktivitas ibu hamil pada trimester 3, kemudian melihat adanya hubungan antara aktivitas fisik ibu hamil pada trimester ke-3 dengan metode persalinan, skor APGAR bayi pada menit ke-5, dan berat lahir bayi. Dapat digunakan juga sebagai dasar rekomendasi bagi masyarakat luas mengenai aktivitas fisik selama kehamilan, dan rekomendasi bagi pembuat kebijakan mengenai karyawan yang bekerja di masa kehamilan. METODE: Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara aktivitas fisik ibu hamil dengan luaran ibu hamil dan bayi baru lahir akan digunakan desain potong lintang, dengan melakukan pengamatan secara akurat dan sistematik.HASIL: Penelitian ini melibatkan 100 ibu melahirkan, yang didapatkan bahwa rerata usia responden adalah 27 tahun, dengan nilai tengah paritas adalah 2. Berdasarkan penilaian kuesioner PPAQ didapatkan bahwa nilai tengah akfitivitas mingguan responden adalah 346 MET-jam/minggu dengan nilai tengah tertinggi dilakukan untuk aktivitas ringan Median 143 , dan aktivitas rumah tangga Median 131 . Sedangkan aktivitas olahraga dikerjakan sangat sedikit, dengan nilai tengah 1.63 MET- jam/minggu. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara usia, paritas, jumlah aktivitas fisik dan intensitas terhadap metode persalinan. Pada saat dilakukan uji data numerik, didapatkan bahwa nilai tengah dari kelompok yang melahirkan pervaginam, adalah 341, dan untuk sectio secarea adalah 347.5, perbedaan ini tidak bermakna baik secara klinis maupun statistik p=0.696 . Pada saat analisa untuk melihat faktor yang memengaruhi berat badan, didapatkan bahwa aktivitas dan usia memiliki P ABSTRACT
BACKGROUND The assessment of maternal physical activity during pregnancy is crucial due to the close relationship between the PA levels and the health status.1 The potential relationship between daily physical activity and pregnancy outcome remains unclear because of the wide variation in study designs and physical activity assessment measures.2OBJECTIVES This study was aimed to evaluate the pregnancy daily activities at third trimester and its association between methods of delivery, the fifth minute APGAR score, and birth weight. This study could be used as a basic recommendation for society about daily activities during pregnancy. METHODS This study was a cross sectional study evaluating the association between pregnant women daily activities and maternal and perinatal outcomes by doing systematic and accurate observation.RESULTS Among 100 mother who had delivery, the average of age was 27 years old, and the median of the parity was 2. Based on the assessment of PPA questionnaire, we got the median value of weekly daily activities was 346 MET hours per week which mild activities had the highest point median 143 MET and household activities median 131 MET . However, physical exercises were done infrequently, with median value of 1.63 MET hours per week. There was no significant relationship between age, parity, the amount and intensity of physical activities and methods of delivery. In numerical analysis, we got the median value of physical activities among subjects who had vaginal delivery was 341 MET, and for cesarean section was 347.5 MET. This difference was either not statistically or clinically significant p 0,696 . Physical activities and age had p value below 0,25, therefore they could be included in multivariate analysis. However, both of them were not statictically significant with birth weight. There was no statistically significant association between fifth minute APGAR score and the intensity of physical activities, age, and parity. Meanwhile, babies with fifth minute APGAR score below 7 were mostly delivered by mother having minimal physical activities and there was no significant association between them.CONCLUSION There was no significant association between age, parity, the amount and intensity of physical activities and methods of delivery. And, there was no significant association either between physical activities or age and birth weight. There was no significant association between fifth minute APGAR score and the intensity of physical activities, age, and parity. Babies having fifth minute APGAR score below 7 were mostly delivered by mother having minimal physical activities and had no significant association between them. KEYWORDS pregnancy physical activities, PPA questionnaire