ABSTRAKTujuan dari penulisan karya akhir ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas dari penerapan IDP dalam mendukung proses pengembangan karyawan di Divisi Produksi PT Isra Presisi Indonesia, serta menyusun program pengembangan karyawan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan kompetensi karyawan yang telah dipetakan dalam IDP. Metode business coaching, melalui wawancara terstruktur, observasi, dan perancangan IDP, dilakukan di PT Isra untuk membantu mengurangi gap yang dimiliki perusahaan dalam proses pengembangan karyawannya. Hasil dari wawancara digunakan untuk mengetahui gap antara kondisi ideal dan aktual yang dimiliki perusahaan, juga untuk memperbaiki rancangan IDP agar lebih sesuai dengan kondisi perusahaan. Ditemukan bahwa IDP dapat secara efektif membantu perusahaan dalam mengembangkan kompetensi karyawan di Divisi Produksi melalui pelatihan. Berdasarkan hasil penerapan IDP, kemudian disusun rekomendasi program pelatihan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan karyawan. Batasan dari karya akhir ini adalah IDP hanya diterapkan pada Divisi Produksi saja, yang didorong oleh fakta bahwa mayoritas karyawan perusahaan bekerja di Divisi Produksi hampir 50 .
The purpose of this thesis is to know the effectiveness of the IDP on supporting employee development processes for the company rsquo s department of production employees, and to build a suitable training program based on the competencies needed by the employees that can be found from the IDP rsquo s results. Business coaching methods, through structured interviews, observation, and the IDP application, was conducted in PT Isra in Cikarang, to help solve the company rsquo s deficiency gap in the employee development processes. The results from the structured interviews were analyzed to know the gap between the ideal and real condition of the company. The results were also used to improve the IDP form to suit the company better. The findings show that the application of IDP in PT Isra is effective to help the company to develop the Production Department employees rsquo competency and performance in the field through training. The results of IDP implementation are then used to build the recommendation for employees rsquo training. Limitation of this paper is that the IDP was only applied for PT Isra rsquo s Department of Production employees only. This is due to the fact that majority of the employees in the company almost 50 are working in that particular department.