Fiscal decentralization reform era started since January 1st, 2001, with the implications of changes from central¬ized to highly decentralized. Unfortunately, it led to a greater dependence on the Local Government to Central Govern¬ment through the Intergovernmental Transfers, especially on General Allocation Fund (DAU) and also a few on the Spe¬cific Allocation Fund (DAK) and Revenue Sharing (DBH). Based on that problem, this research aims to describe regional performances since 2008 until 2014, using several indicators and quadrant method approaches. In accordance with the calculation of the ratio of local independence, the majority of regions are in the category of less independent. While using dependency ratio, the majority of regions are in the group of very large dependency and a dependency. From the results of quadrant analysis methods, most regions are in quadrant III, which means to have a high dependence on government assistance. As a policy recommendation, the government needs to evaluate the improvement of the fiscal decentralization in Indonesia.