This study analyses the extent and nature of female unpaid work in the context of rural households in India. In particular, the study looks at the relationship between land ownership and the extent of domestic duties , performed by females, adjusted by family size, in rural agricultural households. Further, the study considers the role of socioeconomic and socio-religious class and the engagement of women in domestic duties. The study uses the Indian National Sample Survey quinquennial round of ; employment and unemployment survey data for the period 2011-2012. To find out the relationship between various land ownership modalities and domestic duties performed by females, the study makes use of the fractional logit regression model. The empirical result suggests that there is a greater 1 probability of more women workers getting involved in unpaid work as the ' land-ownership size of the household increases. Further, it is seen that the probability that females engaged in unpaid work is greater for those in casual agricultural households with large land cultivated than for those who are in self-employed households. The study finds that the proportion of rural women engaged in domestic duties is 34 per cent, and the majority of them want to work either on a regular or part-time basis (74 per cent) as well as be able to attend to domestic duties. These results suggest that more effective labour market policy, which will encourage women to participate in paid work, is needed. Moreover, family-friendly policies and initiatives that encourage a more equitable sharing of the burden of care and household chores between males and females are required.