World Adventure Dives" is a luxurious photographic guide to the most exhilarating and fascinating diving experiences in the world. Dividing the globe into the main diving regions, it presents 35 amazing diving experiences chosen to represent the diversity and beauty of the marine environment and conjure up the excitement of underwater adventure. Focused on the activity and visual impact rather than the destination or technical aspects of the dive, the book includes experiences such as diving with great whites and underwater kelp forests in South Africa, the world's largest coral reef in Australia, the cool waters of New Zealand's Milford Sound and the Jellyfish Lake in Palau. It opens up a multitude of diving possibilities beyond the tropical coral reef diving featured in many books, although of course the best and most amazing aspects of reef diving are also included. Dive sites are accompanied by an underwater terrain maps, and feature spreads by experts provide background material on animal species and other themes, such as diving under ice or World War II aircraft. Boxed practical details, such as site location, depth, tour operators, seasonality and safety considerations, make this the ultimate divers' bible