Latar belakang : Insiden sindrom pascakolesistektomi SPK di RS dr.Cipto Mangunkusumo RSCM pada tahun 2012 sebesar 54.29 , lebih tinggi daripada penelitian di negara lain.
Tujuan : Studi ini bertujuan mencari faktor risiko SPK untuk mengupayakan turunnya insiden SPK.
Metode : Dilakukan suatu studi cross-sectional terhadap subjek yang menjalani kolesistektomi pada periode Januari - Desember 2015.
Hasil : Total 112 pasien menjalani laparoskopik kolesistektomi. Insiden SPK didapatkan sebesar 45,5 . Pada analisis bivariat didapatkan hubungan signifikan antara SPK dengan lama keluhan praoperasi p=0,033, OR=2,29 , flatulens praoperasi p=0,000, OR=16,48 , gejala non-spesifik praoperasi p=0,000, OR=6,93 , persepsi pasien p=0,000, OR=5,723 . Pada analisis regresi logistik didapatkan flatulens praoperasi p=0,000, OR=17,152 , gejala non-spesifik praoperasi p=0,012, OR=3,984 dan persepsi pasien praoperasi p=0,003, OR=5,907 merupakan faktor risiko untuk SPK. Rerata lama observasi pascaoperasi adalah 14,95 bulan.
Kesimpulan : Tingginya angka SPK di RSCM akibat jumlah subjek dengan gejala praoperasi non-spesifik yang lebih tinggi, persepsi praoperasi yang buruk, dan perbedaan lama observasi pascaoperasi.
Background: Incidence of postcholecystectomy syndrome in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital at 2012 is 54.29 , higher than ever reported.Objective: The objective of the study was to identify risk factors of PCS and decrease its incidence.Method: A cross sectional study was performed enroll all subjects that underwent cholecystectomy from January to December 2015.Result: All 112 subjects underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. We found the incidence for PCS to be 45.5 . Bivariate analysis showed there were significant correlation between PCS and preoperative symptom duration p 0.033, OR 2.29 , preoperative flatulence p 0.000, OR 16.48 , non specific preoperative symptoms p 0.000, OR 6.93 , poor preoperative perception p 0.000, OR 5.723 . Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that only preoperative flatulence p 0.000, OR 17.152 , non specific preoperative symptoms p 0.012, OR 3.984 , and poor preoperative perception p 0.003, OR 5.907 were independent predictive factors for PCS. Mean of postoperative observation was 14.95 months.Conclusion: High incidence of PCS in RSCM was influenced by larger number of subject with non specific preoperative symptoms, poor preoperative perception and the difference in duration for postoperative observation.