ABSTRAKPositive leader identity, sebagai sebuah bentuk identitas sosial dalam lingkup organisasi, merupakan kunci dari kepemimpinan yang efektif, karena mampu meningkatkan motivasi untuk memimpin serta kemampuan individu dalam menghadapi stress. Akan tetapi, penelitian empiris mengenai pembentukan positive leader identity masih sangat minim. Penelitian berdesain korelasional ini dilakukan untuk meneliti mekanisme pembentukan positive leader identity melalui adanya leader prototypicality dan leader endorsement, dengan didasari oleh pandangan evaluatif serta mekanisme claiming-granting antara pemimpin dan bawahan dalam menjelaskan proses pembentukan identitas kepemimpinan. Untuk mengatasi common method bias, data penelitian diperoleh dari sumber berbeda: 65 pasang pemimpin dan bawahan di Indonesia dilibatkan sebagai partisipan penelitian. Seluruh alat ukur penelitian menunjukkan konsistensi internal yang baik dengan koefisien reliabilitas sebesar 0,7-0,9. Hasil analisis mediasi berbasis regresi menunjukkan bahwa a tidak terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara leader prototypicality dan positive leader identity serta b leader endorsement bukan merupakan mediator dari hubungan antara keduanya. Dalam hasil analisis, ditemukan pengaruh yang signifikan dari jenis kelamin pemimpin terhadap leader endorsement dan positive leader identity: leader endorsement dan positive leader identity yang dimiliki oleh pemimpin laki-laki lebih tinggi dibanding pemimpin perempuan. Temuan ini menyajikan data empiris baru mengenai pembentukan dan evaluasi identitas sosial sebagai pemimpin dalam lingkup organisasi.
ABSTRACTAs a form of social identity in organizational context, positive leader identity is a key in effective leadership, for it positively influences motivation to lead and enables one to better cope with stress. However, little empirical research exists regarding the construction of positive leader identity. This current research, aiming to investigate the mechanism underlying the construction of positive leader identity through leader prototypicality and leader endorsement, was therefore conducted, grounded by the evaluative perspective and claiming granting mechanism between leader and followers. The data needed was obtained from two different sources in order to reduce common method bias 65 pairs of leader and follower in Indonesia were involved in a cross sectional study. All measures hold a relatively good internal consistency, with the reliability coefficients ranging from 0,7 0,9. Regression based mediation analysis shows that a leader prototypicality is not a significant predictor of positive leader identity and b there is no significant indirect effect of leader endorsement in the relationship between leader prototypicality and positive leader identity. In return, we found a strong influence of leader gender on both leader endorsement and positive leader identity male leaders received higher endorsement and had higher positive leader identity than female leaders. These findings provide new empirical evidence concerning the construction and evaluation of social identity as a leader in organizational setting.