ABSTRAKIndustri sepakbola Eropa semakin berkembang dan telah menarik banyak perusahaan untuk melakukan kerja sama sponsor. Kerja sama ini dianggap menguntungkan bagi sponsor dalam upaya menarik penggemar klub sepakbola tersebut yang juga merupakan target pasar dari perusahaan sponsor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kerja sama sponsor You C 1000 dan Adidas dengan klub sepakbola Manchester United dalam meningkatkan brand credibility, brand attitude, dan purchase intention produk sponsor pada populasi masyarakat Indonesia. Mengacu pada teori Elaboration Likelihood Model, You C 1000 mewakili produk dengan sifat low consumer involvement sementara Adidas mewakili produk dengan sifat high consumer involvement. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kerja sama sponsor yang diwakilkan oleh identifikasi penggemar akan klub favorit mereka pada produk sponsor secara signifikan dapat meningkatkan brand credibility dan brand attitude secara langsung, serta dapat meningkatkan purchase intention secara tidak langsung.
ABSTRACTEuropean Football Industry has been developing very fast and has attracted a lot of companies to do sponsorships. This kind of sponsorship is seen to be beneficial for sponsors to attract football club fans who also the target market for sponsor companies. This study aims to analyze the effect of football club sponsorships between You C 1000, Adidas, and Manchester United in increasing brand credibility, brand attitude, and purchase intention sponsors among Indonesian people. Referring to Elaboration Likelihood Model theory, You C 1000 serves as low consumer involvement product, while Adidas serves as high consumer involvement product. The results of this study show that football club sponsorship which is represented by fan identification of their favorite football club on sponsor rsquo s products may significantly increase brand credibility and brand attitude directly, and increase purchase intention indirectly.